Create Your Monthly Plan
TraktivityCreate Your Monthly Plan
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Recently on the blog we’ve talked about how you can jump start your week and close your month with a bang -- but what if you need a bigger game plan?

After all, jumping from day to day or week to week without an overarching plan can be exhausting. You might feel like you’re spinning your wheels, or you’re not sure if you’re actually making any progress.

This is why YOU need a monthly plan!

Sitting down to map out the month ahead may sound like extra work, but we promise it will pay off. Here are some ways you can set the stage for the next month of building your business!

Be Specific -- and Scary

Setting some scary goals is the best way to start your month off right.

Having a goal is a no-brainer. If you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, how will you know you’ve met your expectations?

But why do we say it should be scary?

Well, we tend to underestimate ourselves. We get intimidated by people who we think won’t be interested, or the fear that we won’t know all of the answers. But the truth is, you’re not doing this alone - you’re building a business alongside a team of experienced partners, and you can rely on them to help you every step of the way. So be bold, and take your initial goal -- then multiply it.

Here are a few ideas for specific, scary goals that might help you craft your monthly plan:

Make XX new connections on Facebook or Instagram. (Scary Hint: Make XX at least 25% of your current following!)

Sign Up XX new customers (Scary Hint: Make XX twice as many as your next best month!)

Host XX events (Scary Hint: Haven’t yet tried out Virtual Events? Make one of this month’s event Virtual!)

Have A Partner

Once you’ve set your goals, sit down with a partner and review them together. Your business partner might help you see some areas where you could look for even more growth, or point out ways you can add or edit your goals to make them line up with your overall desire to grow your business. Then, ask your partner to hold you accountable. Set up weekly appointments to check in and provide updates on your progress toward each goal you’ve set for the month!

If you find you’re falling behind, your partner will help you find out why - and you may be able to make an important adjustment before the month is over.

Contact Your Dream Team First

Your Dream Team prospects are the people you really, really want on your side. These movers and shakers are bound to be successful, and will help you grow to even greater heights. So - don’t delay. Don’t let them learn about the opportunity from someone else. Prioritize outreach to these contacts and build authentic connections, so you’ve got the foundation to invite them to join you in your business.

Make sure your monthly plan includes some specific actions designed for your Dream Team - whether a customized event, a special promotion, or something that feels right to you.

(Bonus Tip: If you recruit a Dream Team contact as a customer or partner -- celebrate! But don’t let that space stay empty. Identify a new Dream Team prospect right away!)

Decide To Delight

In your focus on growth and making new connections, don’t forget about those you’ve already built.

Set a goal specifically designed to delight your existing customers or business partners. Send out handwritten thank you notes, small gifts, product samples, or host an appreciation event just for them.

Delighting your customers is the best way to make sure they stay active supporters of your business.

Trust The Process

Don’t get discouraged if you’re doing the work but not seeing immediate results. Remember -- what you control is your activity -- and with repetition, it will pay off.

Traktivity will help you make progress even when you can’t see it happening; by logging your time, making your calls, and connecting every day that you work your business, you can feel confident that you’ll reach your goals.

Hold A Review

Don’t just sit on your laurels when the month comes to an end. Yes, you’ve worked hard, and you deserve a little celebration - but it’s also time to take stock.

Did you reach all of your goals? What helped? If not, why not?

What were your business stats for the month? How did they compare to the previous month or earlier successful periods?

What else did you learn? What outreach methods or connections were most successful? Which ones surprised you?

Take these details and use them to craft your next month's goals!

What are your best techniques to create your monthly plan of action? We'd love to hear from you!

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