Why YOU Need A CRM Tool
TraktivityWhy YOU Need A CRM Tool
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“What’s a CRM tool?”

If that’s the first question you ask on seeing this post, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, and CRM tools like Traktivity help you take the best possible care of your valuable customer relationships and grow your business with the help of a powerful yet easy-to-use activity tracking dashboard.

The term CRM may make you think of big corporations and you wonder why you would benefit from this type of tool. Maybe you're a part-time direct sales rep working in between naps and around your day job. Perhaps you've gone all in and this IS your full-time business. Or it could be that you're just starting out, and want to launch your business from the best possible foundation. No matter your specific situation, if you’ve always gotten by with a pen and paper or an excel spreadsheet, you may wonder why a CRM is really necessary. The reality is, if you’re serious about building your business, using a CRM tool is non-negotiable.

Adoption of a CRM system has been proven to increase sales by 29%.

What would your business look like with 29% more successful activity? Would that promote you to the next level in your organization? Increase your monthly income? Build out your team with new partners?

Not convinced by a 29% increase? Here are four more reasons why you need a CRM like Traktivity.

Consolidate Your Information

If you’re working hard to grow your business, you’re hustling in so many different spaces. In person, on the phone, over email, via your social networks -- the work is borderless and it can be hard to keep track of each interaction.

Lost information means lost opportunities; a CRM like Traktivity lets you input information simply, on the go, and jot down any notes specific to a conversation or a contact. The next time you connect with that person, you’ll have no doubt of where you left the conversation, or what comes next.

Even better, a CRM like Traktivity takes the guesswork out of what to do next. With daily and weekly goals that you can customize and a powerful algorithm that helps you connect with the right person at the right time, you won’t have to write your own to-do list.

Know Your Status at a Glance

A good CRM will show you where you stand. Traktivity’s visually powerful Win The Day page gives you an immediate snapshot of your progress against daily and weekly goals, keeping you on track and encouraging you to finish each week by meeting your desired level of activity.

You can see your history with each contact and notice whether they are more responsive to a phone call, a Facebook chat, or another type of connection. Traktivity’s built-in auto-ship reminders keep you on top of upcoming orders, and your Team page gives you the same insight into your entire team’s activity so you can guide and motivate most effectively.

Most CRM tools also include a calendar, which will give you a visual perspective on what’s coming up, and send you reminders ahead of scheduled calls or conversations.

Using a CRM will keep you organized and on top of your tasks at any given time. Work smarter, not harder, with a CRM tool to show you the way.

See Trends, Adapt, and Grow

A CRM offers data and reporting to help you understand where you’re succeeding and where you need to focus some time and effort on a new approach.

Whether you want to see trends in your own activity, or watch your team’s progress, a good CRM tool gives you the data you need to guide your business forward effectively and efficiently.

Log information about the most common objections so you can come up with a new approach or a strategy to overcome the concerns. Track whether prospects are more responsive to a giveaway, an event, or a new bonus promotion. See your average number of touches per enrollment, and work to maximize your conversations along the way.

Without knowledge, you don’t have any meaningful ability to make positive change. Take charge of your business and equip yourself with the information you need.

Make Your Customers Realize You Care

Businesses that use CRM tools are proven to build stronger, healthier customer relationships. Keeping records on customer or partner interactions in your CRM means you’ll never miss a birthday, a special event, a product shipment, notes on a prospect’s current challenges/desires/requests, or a scheduled conversation. Prospects notice this level of care and attention, and it’s been shown to create loyalty, greater happiness, and higher retention levels.

So why wouldn’t you use a CRM? Greater sales, easier process, more data, and happier customers….it’s your best opportunity to create something incredible.

Traktivity was designed especially for direct sales and network marketing entrepreneurs, developed by a high-performing team of experienced entrepreneurs. We’ve built in the tools and features that you need to launch YOUR business and then take it to the next level.

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