How To Beat Your 4th Quarter Goals
TraktivityHow To Beat Your 4th Quarter Goals
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It’s officially the second half of October, which means we are firmly in the last quarter of the year.

How are you doing on meeting your goals?

Have you done a check-in on your annual goals? Your 4th quarter goals?

If you haven’t circled back to see if you’re on target, now is the time.

Here’s how you can renew your enthusiasm and push through the last 10 weeks of the year to close out your best year yet!

Make Sure Your Goals Still Fit

If you haven’t assessed your annual goals recently, you may find that they are no longer relevant. Perhaps you’ve already outgrown one of your goals, your business has shifted, or you’ve had a personal situation that made a big difference in your available time or energy.

Take a look at your goals, look at the time you’ve got until the end of the year, and make any adjustments that are needed.

Crunch the Numbers

Based on your goals, what do you need to do between now and December 31?

Take some time to think about it, then write it down.

It might look something like:

  • BulletRecruit 5 new business partners
  • BulletCreate 15 new customers
  • BulletHave 100 new reachouts

Now take those numbers and map them against the weeks ahead of you. You’ll be able to see how many calls you need to make each week and each day in order to stay on track. Use Traktivity to help you power through your list and Win The Day!

Once you’ve broken big goals down into simple numbers, it’s easier to see where you stand and what still needs to be done.

Set a Short-Term Goal

Find a piece of your big goal - something you can achieve in a short sprint - and set a short-term goal. We’re talking about a one-week project -- two weeks at most. Ideally, it’s the type of goal that will set you up for a successful last quarter.

Maybe it’s setting the bar high - REALLY high - for how many people you’ll invite to your holiday party, or making a list of everyone you haven’t talked to in the past few months and contacting them during this short window to share holiday promotions and opportunities.

Make your short-term goal relevant to your numbers, so you can start to see some big progress through short-term massive action.

Set your short-term goal and share it with your team to get that extra boost of accountability!

Say No to Something

Your calendar is filling up quickly and invitations will continue to pour in - for parties, dinners, gift exchanges, and more.

Now is the time to exercise your right to say “No.

You need to consider your priorities at this point in the year, and while attending parties should absolutely be one of them, make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to both do the work of your business, and connect authentically with your friends and loved ones.

You can also say “No” to something that’s not working.

Maybe it’s a habit you’re trying to cultivate in your personal life, but it’s causing more stress than help.

Perhaps it’s a technique you’re using with new prospects, but the data shows it’s not working. Let it go!

Find something you can release this season, and give yourself the gift of extra time, better results, or less self-assigned guilt over something that’s not working for you right now. You can always come back to it and try it again in the future!

Supercharge Your Team

The end of the year is when having a solid team really starts to pay dividends. Everyone is busy, but enthusiastic about the unique opportunities that come with holiday parties and gift-giving season.

Use this as an opportunity to infuse some new energy into your team. Hold a physical or virtual retreat - maybe an evening to sit back, compare notes, and enjoy some holiday celebrations. Bring in a leader to give your team a targeted training about maximizing this time of year. Find a way to encourage, give back, and cheer on your team so that each and every person feels they close the year out with a bang.

Ready to wrap up your year with the extra support of Traktivity's activity tracker for network marketers?

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