Start 2018 With A Bang!
Start 2018 With A Bang!
TraktivityStart 2018 With A Bang!
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Hey there TRAKstar, I hope you’re having a great December as the end of 2017 draws near. If you’ve been celebrating the Christmas holiday, then you may have had some time off work and enjoyed some celebrations with friends and family. But no matter where you find yourself today, one thing is true for all of us -- we only have a few days left before the new year! Let’s talk about how you can start with a bang and set yourself up to make 2018 your best year yet!

I’ll be here in the coming weeks sharing some guidance and techniques to set goals and accelerate your life in 2018, but before we start looking forward, let’s take a few moments and look at where we’ve been.

A few weeks ago, I suggested you take stock of how your year had gone so far. If you did that, pull out your notes and use them to help you walk through these questions. If you’re just joining us now, no worries - you’re in the perfect place to begin.

The internet is full of guides for reflection at the end of the year, and maybe you’ve already seen some of these pop up on your social media feeds or another aggregator. A few resources I’ve found particularly useful are this Forbes examination of the purpose behind your business, Entrepreneur's 10 Key Questions to get Un-Stuck, and contributor Robin Camarote’s guiding comment that “If life is a journey, the questions we ask ourselves are the fuel that gets us from here to there.”

Here are three ways you can wrap up your year, make sure you’re learning from what’s happened to you in 2017, and making your business growth a priority in 2018.

What’s Your Word?

I spoke previously about my word for 2017 and how it helped guide me throughout the year. I’ll be sharing my 2018 word with you soon, and I’d encourage you to take this week before the first of January to think about what you want your entire LIFE to look like next year. Your business is a huge part of that life, to be sure, and with hard work, your business achievements will propel you forward to reaching ALL of your goals.

So think about what you want to achieve, but also what you want your life to feel like, and pick a word that’s big enough to encompass all of the areas you want to target for growth in 2018.

Not sure of a word? Struggling to decide? It’s okay to pick a few! We can narrow them down next week. Or, you can always start with a tip from the Inc article, and write down six adjectives that best describe this year, and what you’d like those adjectives to be next year! From this short list, you'll start to realize which words are most important and most influential when it comes to your mindset.

Leverage That Energy

The Christmas holiday and the run-up to the New Year are filled with energy and good intentions. Leverage this momentum, and make it your force multiplier!

Maybe it’s taking some gift money and deciding to invest that in your business instead of buying new clothes.

Perhaps it’s sharing your vision with your family while you’re all gathered in one place or talking about dreams and vision for the year to come. You never know who may be the best supporter that you didn’t know you have!

Possibly it’s getting out there for special events, parties, and gatherings to meet new friends.

Or, maybe this is the year you decide to implement a winning system that will support you and make your business simpler.

If your energy is channeling you in other areas, whether diet, fitness, relationships, finances or something else entirely, then let that purpose take the lead. But make sure you’re following your heart and your joy, so that you can dive in fully in any direction your energy takes you.

Whatever choice you make, try to surf the high energy of the season and carry it into January!

Start With A Bang

Make your plan to kick off your big year right away on January 1st! If you’re already using Traktivity to make your business better, faster, and stronger, be sure to share your Referral Code with your teammates and generate your Starpower Referral credits!

Don’t let January’s energy dissipate without making some big strides. Here are a few ideas to start you thinking, each a simple thing to aim for while you continue to develop your bigger goals and overarching vision for 2018:

Log more reachouts in January than you’ve ever done before in a single month.

Commit to finding 5 new places or ways to meet new people -- maybe a meetup group, a new hobby or class, or asking a friend to introduce you to some people you don’t know.

Host a party or event, maybe a gift swap for those not-quite-right items or a “get rid of the leftovers” potluck, and add on a raffle or a giveaway for your business.

Happy New Year, TRAKstar!

I’ll be checking in regularly on your progress on our social media accounts and here on the blog, so keep track of what’s working and where you’re feeling energized, and get ready - I have a feeling 2018 is going to be something special!

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